Karma Yogi Spotlight: Nana!

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So much love to our KY of the Month, Nana! A total sweetheart with an inspirational practice, we are so grateful to have Nana on our team :) Learn more about her below!

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The teachers and the classes Flow offers. It is such a blessing to be a part of the community and have so many amazing yogis that inspire me to come back and practice yoga often.

What is a typical day like for you and how does practice fit into your daily routine?

After I finish work around 5:30 pm, I will go home and get ready for the class in the evening. I usually walk to Flow from Adams Morgan where I live, which is about 25 minute walk. I manage to practice at least 3-4 times a week regularly (Monday Rocket Vinyasa with Elyse, Wednesday Rocket Vinyasa with Jonathan, Friday Happy Hour Flow with Kevin, and Mix Tape Heated Flow with Mimi). After the class, I will stay in the classroom for a while and hang out with other yogis. I will either walk home or take a bus home after that.

Who are some of your most influential teachers?

I usually practice with Jonathan, Mimi, Chris, and Kevin. I've never practiced Rocket Vinyasa before 2018, and after I started practicing with Jonathan earlier this year, I fell in love with Rocket Yoga. Jonathan can easily push me out of my comfort zone, and I have learned a lot and improved working with him. Mimi's and Chris' classes are always very dynamic, which is very helpful for strengthening my body. Kevin's Happy Hour Flow is very mindful yoga practice. I love to practice the Happy Hour Flow with Kevin and Mix Tape Flow with Mimi on Friday. Such a good combination! Other influential teachers: Cory, Adam Lapierre, Dolly Lee and Lisa Pettinati. They all inspire and enlighten my practice in so many different ways.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

I moved to DC from China two and a half years ago which is why I have a bit of a Chinese accent :) I speak 3 Chinese dialects, a little bit of Japanese and Spanish. When I was new to DC, Flow was very helpful for me to connect so many wonderful people and make me feel like a part of the community. I'm currently working at the LINE DC Hotel accounting office. Come and say hi if you are ever around :) The restaurants are fantastic!

Anything else you would like to share?

I am starting a yoga clothing business with my family. The brand is called VOL, short for Voice of Love. We all deserve to have our own voice of love. I hope that if anybody in the community has any advice or guidance, please feel free to connect with me. You can reach out through Instagram @dcyogi_nana, I always love to meet new people!

We <3 you so much, Nana!