How to Find a Genuine Teacher

How to Find a Genuine Teacher

In yoga the teacher plays an important role. The teacher not only sheds light on the subject of yoga - but the relationship itself is foundational. The specifics of the teaching such as techniques and beliefs are not as important as the love and relationship established between student and teacher. Yoga, to yoke, is about connectedness, and that begins with the connection between two beings. Connection is the driving force in transformation.

So you're thinking of starting a Mysore practice?

So you're thinking of starting a Mysore practice?

I remember my first time practicing Mysore. I was terrified - I had no idea what I was doing. Everyone seemed so serious! Class was in a basement, it was dark and early. But I loved it! For the rest of the week I studied my primary series book on the metro at 5:30am on my way to practice, determined not to mess up.  It took me a while to realize that messing up is part of the process.