Manual Supplements

Below is a collection of articles that may be helpful. Opinions in all of these articles may occasionally vear from Flow’s teaching & yoga philosophies but we thought it would be helpful to see different views. Please let us know of any dead link pages or if there is a topic you’d like to discuss with the group.

1. Supporting TT Manual Chapter 01. Hatha Yoga Nusasanam

Teaching Yoga by Donna Farhi.pdf
Seeking the Unstruck Sound AUM by David Gordon.pdf
The Meaning of Om.pdf
168 Hours Time Management
Creating Sankalpa
Sample Study from NIH
Yoga x CBT Study
Yoga x Gaba Study
Daily Rituals - A 7 Day Sadhana

2. Supporting TT Manual Chapter 02. The Art of Vinyasa

Surya Namaskar with Shiva Rea
Gayatri Mantra - Chant to the Sun before Sun Salutations.pdf
Surya Namaskar
The Meaning of 108
Movements of Prana How Prana Moves
Origins of Surya Namaskar
Consciousness In Motion by Shiva Rea.pdf
Modified Sun A

3. Supporting TT Manual Chapter 03. Vinyasa Krama & Sequencing Considerations

Baptiste Power Yoga Stick Figure Sequence & Pose List Sequence
The Art of Yoga Sequencing for Beginners
Asana as a Spiritual Practice by Sri Dharma Mittra.pdf
Battling Depression Through Yoga.pdf
Inversions and Menstruation.pdf
Understanding the Meaning of Asana by Judith Hanson Lasater.pdf
Why Teach Sanskrit Names.pdf
Tips For Teaching Beginners
Sequencing with Jason Crandal (recommended!!)
Power Sequence Baptiste Style
Teaching Beginners - Jason Crandal and Yogaland Podcast

4. Supporting TT Manual Chapter 04. Teaching Techniques & Resources

Vision & Voice pdf
Accessible Yoga
Teaching Poses: Verbs, Cues, BAP
Susanna Barkataki
Trauma-Informed Yoga
Gift of Assisting by Tony Briggs.pdf
Pose & Sequence Cues & Direction
Your Voice & 5 Elements
More Voice & Elements
Teachers on Instagram
Tips for Teaching Yoga by Judith Lasater.pdf
Donna Farhi talk
Biz of Yoga Survey & Study (2016)
Tips for Ditching Yoga Speak
The Art of Verbal Communication
The Art of Dynamic Language
Assisting Examples
Assisting Chatarunga with Jivamukti’s David Life
Inclusive Cuing
Should I Namaste
Gender Essentialism
Yoga & Microaggression
Podcast on Sequencing Techniques & choices
Teaching Advise Blog with Jason Crandal

5. Anatomy & Physiology & Asana

Anatomy Supplement
Mobility, Stability & Flexibility: Clarifying Our Concepts in Yoga
Cracking and Popping Joints (Yoga Journal).pdf
How to Avoid Getting Hurt in a Yoga Class by Kelly Moore.pdf
Joint Cracking (Johns Hopkins Orthopaedic Surgery).pdf
Keeping the Joints Happy (Yoga Journal).pdf
Sprained, Strained, or Pained (Yoga Journal).pdf
The Yoga Injuries Debate-How 'Dangerous' Is Yoga, Really by Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D.pdf
What causes the noise when you crack a joint (Library of Congress).pdf
Yoga for Health (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine).pdf
Hello Hip Hinge, Goodbye Roll-Up: Re-thinking the kindest way to rise to stand
What Every Teacher (and Practitioner) Should Know About Fascia  
Yoga Injuries - Mayo StudySavasana.pdf
Tucking Your TailBone?
Chaturanga Alternatives 

6. Ayurveda

TT Manual Ayurveda Supplement
Dosha Assessment
Ayurveda Clock
Ayurvedic Effects Asana Practice
Ayurveda Intro
Dynamic Doshas
All About The Gunas
Ayurvedic Routines
Ayurveda Intro
District Ayurveda - Leah Barr
David Frawley’s Work
Jyotish & Vedic Astrology Brendan Feeley
Vedic Astrologer - Gahl Sasson

7. Chakras, Koshas & Subtle Body

Subtle Body: Chakras & Koshas Supplement
The 7 Chakras - Psychic Centers of Consciousness by Sri Dharma Mittra.pdf
The Koshas - Mystical Fivefold Sheaths by Sri Dharma Mittra.pdf
You Are Here - the 5 koshas by Shiva Rea.pdf
Morning Chakra Wake-Up Set

8. Pranayama & Bandhas & Other Practices

Movements of Prana
Nature Study On Breathwork
Pranayama Scripts, Bandha, Mudra & Kriya Supplement
Dirga Pranayama Script
Dirga Pranayama aka 3 - Part Yoga Breath
Anusara Breath Supplement
Flow of Prana/Kundalini (could also be in section #7 above)
Rivers of Consciousness- 3 Nadis in Yoga

Kundalini Shashumna / Ida Pingala Diagram
Longer Exhalations Are an Easy Way to Hack Your Vagus Nerve
Are You A Belly Breather or a Chest Breather & Does it Matter
Breathing Through The Nose & the Brain
Breathing Habits Scientific American
Easing Ujjayi Breathing by Tim Miller.pdf
Nostril to Nostril - Balancing the Breath.pdf
From Hand To Heart (Mudras) by Kelly McGonigal.pdf
Jalandhara Bandha.pdf
Mudras of Kundalini Yoga.pdf
Mula Bandha in Action.pdf
Prescriptions for Pranayama from 6 Major Schools of Yoga.pdf
The Nose from The Breathing Book.pdf
To Infinity and Beyond by David Life.pdf
Uddiyana Bandha.pdf
Yogic Cleansing Process - Shat Kriyas.pdf

9. Teaching & Ethics

Yoga Alliance Ethics
Teaching Inclusive & Safe Yoga
Georg Feuerstein
Hala Khouri
Donna Farhi
Parker Palmer

10. History & Philosophy Perspectives

Krishnamurti’s View on Yoga Asana & Raja Yoga
Flow’s History /Philosophy Module A
Flow’s History / Philosophy Module B
Ahimsa by Swami Sivananda.pdf
Falling Down and Standing Back Up Again by Dharma Mittra.pdf
Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda.pdf
Hatha Yoga Pradipika.pdf
Kemetic Yoga - A History of Yoga in Africa & Egypt
Polytheism and Monotheism - A Hindu Perspective.pdf
Practical Application of the Yamas and Niyamas - from A Buddhist Library.pdf
Practical Lessons In Yoga by Swami Sivananda.pdf
What Does Yoga Have to Do with Vegetarianism by Sharon Gannon.pdf
Yama - Beginning the Journey by Judith Hanson Lasater.pdf
Free Books (PDF) by Swami Sivananda
Alison Hinks, An overly brief and incomplete history of yoga
The Secret History of Yoga
Ten things we didn't know about yoga until this new must-read dropped
Yoga: its origin, history, and development
A brief history of yoga: from ancient Hindu scriptures to the Modern, Westernized Practice

11. Mantras and Chanting

Mantras & Chanting Supplement
13 Mantras To Remember
Beginners Guide to Chanting
Krishna Das
MC Yogi
Nada Yoga
Maha Mantra

12. Meditation & Deep Relaxation

Restorative Yoga Podcast - Jillian Pransky & Elena Brower
Meditation Supplement
The Vagus Nerve
How Toning the Vagus Nerve Heals Pain
Yoga for Vital Living by Shiva Rea.pdf
Dwelling in the Lotus Heart Meditation by Shiva Rea.pdf
Kirtan Kriya - Kundalini Yoga Meditation.pdf
Meditation Transcript For / Metta -Love and Kindness by Sharon Salzberg.pdf
Metta meditation.pdf
Popular Yoga Nidra Recording

13. Prenatal

Prenatal Yoga Teaching Module
Surprising Effects of Pregnancy
Diastasis During Pregnancy
How The Body Changes During Pregnancy
What’s Going On In There
Sequencing VinyasaExercise During Pregnancy by ACOM.pdf
Tools for Teaching Prenatal Yoga-The Second Trimester.pdf

14. Trauma & Stress

Trauma & Yoga Considerations
How Trauma Affects Health
The BCR Pair of ACEs tree
Healing Trauma with Yoga- NPR
Trauma-Informed Yoga Psychology Today

15. Yoga Diversity, Social Justice, Culture + Ethics Articles & Commentary

Michelle Johnson’s website
Skill In Action Workbook with Michelle Johnson
Finding Refuge
Skill in Action
Yoga & Diversity- Suzanna Barkataki
The Science of Yoga
Decolonizing Yoga
Yoga, Race, and Culture 
What’s the difference between appropriation & appreciation?
Maya Breuer: Changing the Culture of Yoga to Advance Inclusivity  
Mindful of Race
Awakening together
Dr. Robin DiAngelou discusses White Fragility 
Yoga Image & Body Coalition
Matthew Remski
Conspirituality Podcast
Off The Mat Into The World
Decolonizing Yoga
Boycott Yoga Alliance
J Brown Yoga Talks
Curvy Yoga
Afro Flow Yoga (Leslie Salmon Jones- Leslie visits Flow each year, typically in the Spring)
Race, Gender & Class
Yoga In The West Brief History
12 Principles of the Psychologically Sound Yoga Classroom
Kimetic Yoga
No, We’re Not Asking Too Much: On Making Yoga More Inclusive
Lessons From Seane Corn In Yoga, Transformation And Social Justice
Hatha Yoga & Gender
Ways Our Teaching May Harm Students
A Wake-Up Call for Over Represented Yogis
Yoga as India’s Soft Power
Yoga and the maintenance of white womanhood
Unity In Yoga Podcast Series

16. Reading Lists, Apps & Tools, Reading Library Recs
Yoga Book Favorites
Sequence Builders
Breathing App (Resonant Breathing)
Insight Timer