Everyday Mindfulness & Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

“Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We feel more alive. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing.” John Kabat-Zinn

Hi there!

I wanted to share something that has truly changed my life with you. About 15 years ago, I was going through a tough time during my pregnancy journey and a friend suggested I take the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course. It's based on the work of John Kabat-Zinn from UMass Med School and has been backed by science and embraced by both the medical and mindfulness communities.

The benefits of this course include reducing stress, decreasing medical symptoms, improving self-care, managing anxiety and depression more effectively, loosening the grip of negative habits and thoughts, and improving symptoms of burnout. It helped me so much back and is still very much a part of my life & support system.

At Flow Yoga, we always include elements of mindfulness practice in all of our classes, but we've never had a full focused series - until now! Janelle Mirabeau, one of our teacher training graduates and now a part of our teaching faculty, will be leading a brand new training for us and for our corporate clients.

Read her bio below to get a sense of what she is bringing to our new series called "Everyday Mindfulness" including what to expect & and how these tools can support you too.

We begin next week on Monday for eight weeks. Learn more about it and reserve a spot at here.

Meditation is now a helpful part of my life. I'm still trying to get my oldest son Jonah, who I had shortly after taking the course, to practice with me. The closest I get is him listening to one of my Yoga Nidra recordings before bed - but that's a great start!

I hope to see you in the course. Please reach out if you have any questions.



ps. I had so much fun leading last Friday's Chill Yoga class, I'm doing it again!

It's a slow and gentle vinyasa sequence. You'll have the option to enjoy essential oils, linger in longer-held poses, and find some peace. Plus, I'll be sharing reiki during savasana for an extra dose of relaxation.

After class, we'll hang out, sip some tea, and you're welcome to join me in our co-working lounge. It's a great place to work in a relaxed and inspiring space with room to take meditation and stretch breaks too! And for this month, it's FREE for our members.

I look forward to seeing you there or later that evening in Dan's weekly themed Happy hour class at 5:30pm. This week it's Disco Yoga! It sold out last week so be sure to sign up early to get a spot.