The Best Time Of Day To Practice Yoga

Discovering the best time to practice yoga is about finding what suits your schedule and choosing a time that will work 2-3 times a week so you can really feel and experience the benefits of a steady practice.

While many opt for morning or post-work sessions, consider the hidden gem: lunchtime yoga.

Not only does it offer a break in the middle of the day, providing a refreshing pause for mind and body, but midday classes tend to be less crowded, creating a more spacious and personalized experience. This unique time slot also presents an ideal opportunity to replace that afternoon caffeine fix or sugar craving with a rejuvenating yoga session.

By integrating a lunchtime yoga routine, you not only boost productivity and foster a positive work environment but also infuse your day with a perfect blend of relaxation and energy. Here are some of our favorite benefits that your boss will love!

  1. Stress Relief: 🧘‍♂️ Yoga's stress-relieving benefits lead to better emotional well-being, ensuring a more resilient and composed approach to work challenges.

  2. Foster Creativity: 🎨 Yoga stimulates creative thinking, providing a fresh perspective on tasks and fostering innovative solutions.

  3. Health and Wellness: 💪 Regular yoga improves overall health, reducing sick days, boosting energy levels, and promoting a positive outlook.

  4. Team Building: 🤝 Group yoga classes cultivate a sense of community among colleagues, strengthening workplace relationships.

  5. Posture Improvement: 🧍‍♂️ Combat sedentary work issues with yoga, promoting flexibility and strength for better posture and overall comfort.

  6. Work-Life Balance: ⚖️ Dedicate time to self-care during lunch for a healthier work-life balance, contributing to both personal and professional well-being.

  7. Boost Productivity: 🚀 Incorporating a short yoga class during lunch refreshes the mind, enhancing focus and productivity in the afternoon.

Now here’s the best part. We’re launching our lunchtime classes! Available in person or…via zoom. Treat yourself to the perfect mid day break by clicking here and we’ll make sure to end your class with some delicious organic tea before you head back to the office!