Wheel Of Life Exercise

Embracing Svadhyaya, aka self-study, allows us to approach the Wheel of Life exercise with authenticity and depth, guiding us to a profound understanding of where we are and where we aspire to be. We always recommend doing this exercise after a mindful moment. Perhaps sit quietly in your favorite spot at home or take a few deep breaths or linger in childs pose before beginning.

Let's dive into this Wheel of Life, a helpful tool to guide to a more fulfilled, balanced you. 

The Wheel of Life encourages introspection and provides a visual snapshot of one's current life situation, making it a starting point for setting meaningful goals and creating action plans for positive change.

To do this exercise you can print out this “wheel” , use a writing tablet or even recreate it in your journal to keep it close by.

When you complete the Wheel of Life exercise you’ll have an illustration of areas of strength and accomplishment, as well as areas that might require more attention or improvement in your life. The goal is not necessarily to score tens in all life areas but to find a harmonious balance that aligns with one's values and personal objectives.

Let’s do it!

🌈 Rate Each Slice of Your Beautiful Life Pie: Look at each segment – they’re like slices of the pie that makes up your fabulous life. Think about each part: your work, your health, your love life, all of it! On a scale from 1 to 10, where do you stand? One means “Hey, I need some love here,” and ten is “I’m rocking this!” Put a little dot on each slice at the point that feels true for you.

💫 Connect the Dots to See Your Unique Life Shape: Once you’ve got your dots, connect them. They're like a constellation that tells your story. This new outer edge you’ve created is your very own life wheel. Is it a bumpy ride or smooth sailing?

👀 Take a Good, Hard Look: What’s the shape of your wheel telling you? If it's a bit lopsided, that’s totally okay! It just shows you where you can pour more of your incredible energy and where you're already thriving.

🌱 Grow Where You Need It: Look at those areas that might need a bit more of your magic. What small steps can you take to bring those numbers up? Remember, small steps lead to big leaps.

💖 Celebrate Where You’re Soaring: And those high numbers? Give yourself a huge high-five for them. You’re doing amazing in those areas! How can you keep this goodness going?

📆 Life’s a Journey, Not a Destination: Your Wheel of Life isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a living, breathing part of your journey. Come back to it, update it, and see how you grow. It’s all about evolving and embracing change.

Revisit the Wheel each year to help you reflect, set goals and priorities for your upcoming year!

Wheel Of Life