Teacher Spotlight: Angela Meyer!

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Flowgis!  We are so happy to feature Angela Meyer in our Teacher Spotlight!  Read on to learn more about this unique and inspiring teacher.

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The variety of teachers with unique life experiences and styles. Each one brings heart, passion and knowledge through different containers. Also, the genuine love and integrity of the ownership/staff is felt throughout the community.

What was your first yoga experience like?

I am an ex-collegiate soccer player. My roommate/running partner raved about yoga and drug me to a Bikram Yoga class, kicking and screaming. I sweat more than I ever had in a 90 minute soccer game and was sore in areas I didn't think could ever be sore. As a lover of intensity, I was hooked.

Who are some of your most influential teachers?

As a forever student, I have so many influential teachers. Early on in my yoga teaching days, Coeli Marsh took me under her wing as my Mr. Miyagi of yoga teaching. She is a Boston based teacher/healer/mentor, and understood my soul.

What is your current practice like and how does it fit into your daily routine?

I am a "seasons" kinda gal. Meaning, I do my best to follow my internal compass and not external "shoulds and shouldn'ts." My current "practice" is fierce love. This does not always show up through physical asana, but an everyday intention to stay open, listen to my intuition, be a kind human, face-plant often, get back up, and passionately believe "love" is worth fighting for.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

I think a lot of the Flow community already knows I train seriously in Martial Arts. For me, yoga is the other side of the same coin.

My other huge passions are working at a place called Joseph's House, an AIDS hospice in Adams Morgan and writing/editing for Elephant Journal. I see Death, Yoga and Martial Arts as a Triangle with breath as the common thread. Writing is a medium to share my humanness and be of benefit to others.