Manager Spotlight: Mike Stefani


Meet Mike! He's both a manager & sometimes teacher at Flow, and a dedicated Mysore yogi. Learn more about Mike below :)

What is your current practice like and how does it fit into your daily routine?

I mostly practice in the Ashtanga in the Mysore room, and try to practice 4-6 days a week. I’m not much of a morning person so thankfully there’s an evening program with my teacher Cory! If I’m not in the Mysore room, you can probably find me getting my butt kicked in one of Mimi’s classes.

What inspires you to practice at Flow?

The awesome teachers, amazing students, and fellow Flow Fam all keep me coming.

Why is your yoga practice important to you?

Yoga, to me, has been a tool of self study, and continues to teach me things, about me, that I don’t think I would have been able to learn without a regular practice.

What is something the Flow community may not know about you?

For my third birthday, I was given my first pet, a beta fish, as a present. I was so excited, and wanted to play with my fish that I put it in my cup of milk so I could take it for a walk. Apparently fish don’t like milk...